They felt the dictionary was a little difficult to use at their lower- intermediate level and felt it would benefit upper-intermediate or advanced students more as it can be challenging to use a monolingual dictionary. I, myself liked the dictionary and its presentation and my students liked the CD-Rom. I found these interesting as I am a native English speaker but not American and it was fun to learn new expressions and vocabulary. All areas have a good number of interactive exercises. It also contains an Academic Study Center which is comprehensive and is divided into five areas: Academic & Content Vocab Builder, Reading Comprehension, Academic Writing, Pronunciation & Spelling and Exam Practice (SAT and TOEFL). It contains a Teacher’s Corner complete with notes, content vocab and 20 worksheets, Notepad, Dictionary, Thesaurus and Photo Dictionary. While the LDOAE is impressive in itself, another feature I was impressed with was the CD-Rom which accompanies it. The centre of the dictionary contains a Learner’s Handbook with useful workbook exercises, a Picture Dictionary, Writing Guide and a Grammar Guide. Informal and/or Spoken words are clearly labelled as such, and there are also thesaurus boxes for 3000 words, which are extremely useful. Where applicable, antonyms and synonyms for words are listed, as are idioms and etymology. If a word has alternative spellings, these are all listed under the entry. All entries are colour-coded with the most frequently used words written in red, which I liked.

The LDOAE itself contains 95,000 words, meanings and phrases along with 36,000 example sentences. This is followed by a detailed key which is important to read before using the LDOAE, as it contains quite a lot of information. The first few pages contain useful information regarding American pronunciation, phonetics, abbreviations and grammar codes, which are used throughout the dictionary. It is well presented, colourful and easy to use and is aimed at intermediate and above students. There are a number of learner’s dictionaries available on the market and the Longman Dictionary of American English is one of them.